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Improving the Top-Line Performance of Tech & Manufacturing Organizations

Find & reduce the friction in your sales engine
Coach your customer-facing teams
Create an organizational culture of customer-centricity

Revenue Generation is Getting Harder, Not Easier

The key to revenue generation isn't to add more "noise" in the form of people, tools, and processes. The key is removing friction from both your revenue engine and the customer's buying experience.

A bad system will beat a good person every time.

stacks of coins increasing in height showing revenue growth

Let RGS Be Your Guide to Grow & Scale Your Revenue

The days of FOMO are behind us. With the rising cost of capital, vulnerable supply chains, and an impending period of retrenchment, the business landscape is increasingly challenging. Additionally, there’s more noise in the system than ever before.

Despite an avalanche of technology designed to “help” you sell more easily, the reality is that it’s becoming more difficult. The challenges you face today in generating revenue and maintaining positive cash flow are, at their core, the same challenges businesses have faced for decades if not centuries. However, these age-old problems are often exacerbated and masked by the improper use of technology.

If you’re a B2B company looking to grow your revenue (such as startups and early-stage SMBs), are at an inflection point and need to scale (for example, more mature SMBs that have just received series funding or mid-market firms at $200M ARR wanting to reach $500M), or need some fine-tuning of your existing revenue engine (including enterprise organizations), please connect with us. Schedule a complimentary discovery call today.

sales coaching wooden cubes

Let RGS Be Your Coach to Your Customer-Facing Teams

The landscape of revenue generation is poised to look wildly different in just a few short years. As technology and digital transformation continue to reshape how companies interact with each other and their customers, significant changes are on the horizon. 

Consequently, Marketing and Customer Service will become increasingly vital as direct revenue streams, with customers showing a strong preference for e-commerce and self-service over traditional engagements with Sales teams. Furthermore, customers are now differentiating and selecting who they purchase from based on the experiences they have throughout their entire buying journey, including both pre-and post-sale interactions. Therefore, navigating this new landscape requires coaching that drives an organizational paradigm shift.

If you’re looking to improve the performance of your sales leaders, front-line sellers, Marketing and Customer Service teams, and other individuals who directly interact with your customers, we can enable them. Additionally, we can accommodate bespoke one-on-one performance coaching for individuals aiming to elevate their skills. Reach out to us to gain a fresh perspective on the power and impact of a structured coaching program.

How to Improve Revenue Generation

Unraveling the complexity and simplify what you do to increase revenue generation.

Reduce Your Internal Friction and Simplify for Efficiency and Scaling of Revenue

What if you discovered that you already have most of what you need to be successful? Suppose you didn’t need to incur more technical debt – what then? What could you do if you were leaner, more agile, and able to easily respond to your customers and changing market conditions?


Step #1: Align the entire organization so it is supportive of sales


Corporate-wide alignment on revenue generation is an organizational cultural shift. As a result, It includes top-down strategy promulgation, tight interdepartmental coordination, cross-training, consistent internal and external messaging, and much more.


Step #2: Reduce noise through simplification


Simplification goes against human nature. Contrarily, it’s a subtractive process, not an additive one. Correspondingly, it requires simplifying processes, reducing operations so they’re lean, optimizing tech stacks, the thoughtful application of AI, and much more.


Step #3: Ensure stability and predictability


Stabilization is at odds with speed. Put another way, we impatiently move on to the next great thing before fully understanding what we already have, which is costly. Because of this, you may already have what you need to produce stellar revenue generation, but you just don’t know it yet.


Step #4: Optimal scaling will occur and Steps #1, #2, and #3 are iterated


Do not scale until the other steps are completed or you’ll create instability. When ready, scaling involves TAM/SAM expansion, talent acquisition, competency expansion, revenue generation team development, and much more. Bigger isn’t just more – it’s different.
Coaching and all it entails is a primary key to revenue generation.

Coach Your Customer-Facing Revenue Teams: Sales, Marketing, CS - and More

What is your strategy for creating multiple revenue streams? How are your people interacting with your customers? Do you have a revenue leadership team development program? How are you addressing deal coaching? Do you have a formalized & dynamic coaching program in place?


Step #1: Baseline your revenue teams to identify competency gaps


In your Sales, Marketing, and CS teams, each person, from the CRO to the person on the front line, has different strengths and challenges. To improve organizational revenue performance, you need to understand each person's competency gaps and attributes. RGS uses specialized assessments allowing you to build IDPs and create high-functioning teams, as well as improve how you hire.


Step #2: Ensure revenue teams have the right knowledge at the right time


Ensuring your revenue teams have the correct knowledge, skills, and abilities to work with your customers is a larger undertaking than most realize. A blend of the right technology, psychology, and content is necessary. And, each organization is unique; "cookie-cutter" approaches can do more harm than good. RGS will help you assess your training needs to optimize your revenue generation.

Performance Coaching

Step #3: Ensure your revenue teams can apply what they know

Performance Coaching

Whereas training is getting the right knowledge into a person's head at the right time, performance coaching is about teasing that knowledge back out and operationalizing it. Without proper coaching, your training spend is largely wasted. RGS will help you develop a coaching culture, build a dynamic coaching program, and ensure your revenue teams have every opportunity to perform their best.

Deal Coaching

Step #4: Getting complex deals over the finish line.

Deal Coaching

Some deals are more complex than others and require a sherpa to help guide your revenue teams through important opportunities. RGS will work closely with your revenue teams to bring advanced knowledge, techniques, and wisdom to help close those tougher sales. The goal is to enable your teams to become autonomous when it comes to tough situations, not dependent on RGS or other deal coaches.
Reducing the friction your customer experiences will increase revenue generation.

Create the Experience Your Customers Demand by Increasing Your Organization's Customer-Centricity

Think about the last conversation you had with a seller or Customer Service… Is it one you’d like to repeat? Did you feel like they added value, or did it feel like they were simply reading a script and “dealing” with you so they could get to the next issue? Were you treated like an account number or a human being? Did you get the sense they understood you, your company, and your needs? If you purchased something, was it just a “transaction,” or did you feel like they truly appreciated you?

Customer Centricity

Step #1: Top-to-bottom organizational alignment


This may be tough to hear: If you took a simple test for customer-centricity, the overwhelming odds are that you wouldn’t pass. But, you can change that. It will involve a cultural realignment, mission/vision statement review, organizational change management, and more.

Persona Mapping

Step #2: Understand ICP personas at the IQ/EQ levels

Persona Mapping

Before you can address your customers’ friction, your entire organization needs to first understand them at an intellectual (IQ) and emotional (EQ) level. This requires market analysis, customer focus groups, customer journey mapping, messaging alignment, and much more.


Step #3: Personalize the customer's digital experience


How do you personalize a customer’s e-commerce experience when all you know about them is their digital footprint? Creating bespoke CX in digital marketplaces goes beyond analyzing buyer intent signals. Microsites, integrating Marketing with Sales, and more are necessary.


Step #4: Become proficient at relationship-based selling


Do you recall the rumor about relationship-based selling being over? Think again. The old-school basics of interpersonal communication, social selling (probably not what you think it is), storytelling, influencing, and much more are all involved. Remember, we're impacting humans here...
Everyone's crystal ball is cloudy when it comes to revenue generation in the future.

Navigating Revenue Generation in 2024 and Beyond...

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that everyone’s crystal ball is cloudy. The rate of business change has shifted into “ludicrous gear” over the past two decades, making predictions about business and the markets more tenuous. Much of that change is driven by technology.  Navigating this change can seem daunting, and keeping up with the Jones’ is an expensive endeavor. The good news is this: While many things do and will continue to change, the core principles of business and revenue generation haven’t changed in thousands of years. The key to success is knowing where to focus your resources…

Artifical Intelligence

AI is and will continue to be a major disrupter to revenue generation
AI is changing the very nature of Sales. You may not lose your job in Sales to AI (yet), but you WILL most likely lose your job to someone else using AI.

Rep-Free Buying

B2B customers prefer to buy without an Account Executive involved
A recent Gartner report indicated that 83% of B2B buyers prefer ordering or paying through digital e-commerce. This represents a tectonic shift from the entire history of selling and is likely to affect entire organizational structures.

Economic Uncertainty

Increasing risk aversion is replacing sentiments of FOMO with FOMU
Geopolitical unrest, rising cost of capital, increasing urbanization, generational gaps, and many other factors are shifting the "Fear of Missing Out" to the "Fear of Messing Up".
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